Mind your mind!!

Your brain is constantly in the work mode ….one section called the hypothalamus is constantly maintaining the body’s homeostasis whereas the cerebrum and brain stem is responsible for thoughts and consciousness. You can think up to 50 thoughts per minute that is almost 70,000 thoughts in a day (yeah that is how much you think without realizing a major portion of it).

Our thoughts control our moods ,behaviour and attitude toward people and situations and sometimes when you are spiralling down, you end up doing /saying things you didn’t want to  or you end up underperforming when you had to hit the home run.

Our mental health is choreographed by our experiences be it good bad or traumatic. The stress levels today are rising like never before and reason ranges from competitive work environment, to as stupid as perfect Instagram stories and FOMO (Feeling of missing out). The overwhelming pressure of fitting in and showing off or proving something to the world is exhausting.

The reason why mental health is something one should work on along with physical fitness, is because your mind is a muscle like your biceps/triceps/abs and if you take care of it you might not yield to a panic attack or a meltdown on those tough work days.  

So how do cope up??? How do you prepare yourself for tough days without having a melt down??

How do you not miss out on opportunities because of your mood swings?? How do you prevent yourself from hurting yourself and others???

The answer lies in working up for your mental health just like you take care of your body , you need to work for your mind by being more aware. And how do you do this???

By MINDING YOUR MIND – listening to yourself, connecting with yourself, finding yourself some moments of solitude where you can listen to thoughts coming to you and find answers to issues that are affecting you.

Here are my top 5 steps for building your mental endurance:

EXERCISE: Taking care of mental health starts with you taking care of your physical self. Since workout releases endorphins these hormone gives you a euphoric feeling (feel good feeling). And please don’t just do it to attain some beauty standards but for your health and wellbeing.

STOP BINGE WATCHING: This is something we all are guilty of and must realise and limit. There is so much content with so easy access it is impossible to ignore it and whenever you feel stressed you would like to just wedge out in front of your phone, laptop or tv and sometimes it is good to just unwind after a tiring day but when it becomes a daily habit it will rob you out of precious time that you could spend with yourself.

WORK ON YOUR HOBBIES: When you do something  creative in your leisure time for the sake of pleasure  it gives you a sense of accomplishment and these are just small steps for building your confidence and clearing up doubts you have on your abilities.

GET IN TOUCH: It is quite a paradox feeling left out and lonely living in an era where connection is just dependent on our sheer will. Go out and meet old friends on a weekend make new ones call your family be connected, there’s a lot going out in everyone’s life but all of us need a network of emotional support.

MEDITATE: This one is a tough cookie to crack if you are aiming for finding your trans state. Don’t do that, if you are beginner start with a small 10 min session where you just listen to your mind the rush of thoughts that are all over the place- try to analyse them. Try and calm yourself and don’t worry if your mind is not still …it will take time to reach there. Meditation is form of mental workout that makes you more aware of yourself which is the goal to a healthy mind and body.

The Toxic You!!

Toxic means something that is damaging and harmful and we all have some levels of toxic traits or habits that have sometime or the other damaged our sense of well-being.

These habits not only decentre you from peace but these are demons within you that stop you from being the best version of you. Its not fate or destiny that denies you of something you wish, mark my words, life is just about choices not some predetermined script that is keeping you away from your accomplishments. (pssstt…GOD has better work to do than plan a trap for you to fail)

So, here are 5 toxic habits that you need to identify honestly within yourself before next time you blame on destiny:

PROCRASTINATION: For some people it might be a road block to achieve their aspirations, well in my case it’s a whole mountain range, probably the Himalayas. For those of you who are wondering what this is, it’s a habit where you avoid executing a task even though you know that you can easily complete it in the given time frame.

What happens when you procrastinate?? You actually let the valuable time pass where you could have completed the task and either you are left no time at all or with very little time where in you can just put up average effort. This habit leads to a series of mediocre performance and hence you convince yourself that you’re worth of an average life and end up living one (which is so not true… everyone is capable of greatness)

SELF CRITICISM: Everyone is guilty of this habit unless you are a NARCISSIST!!

Some people do it in moderation just to keep a reality check but some people (count me in) are full time critics. This habit alone has the capacity to bring your morale down to the core of earth and then you end up giving up before even trying. Being aware of one’s abilities is one thing and belittling oneself before attempting anything is just bullying.

Believe in yourself because this is the first step of getting anywhere.

LACK OF DISCIPLINE: Discipline is training yourself to attend to something that is a priority rather than floating your way in life. It helps you keep motivated to your goals even if you don’t see any results right now. Sometimes not having a talent but a streak of discipline can take you to places but the vice versa is just going to be a road to ORDINARY-LAND.

EGO AND TEMPER: Ego and temper are sisters together these two are capable for death of a beautiful healthy and thriving relationship. Temper is just unreasonable anger and ego is your sense of self and these two in conjunction build a wall putting you beyond the reach of people who love you.

LACK OF EMPATHY: Empathy is very important… especially in this era where everyone is just occupied with themselves and their SELFIES

Empathy helps you connect with people make real meaningful connections. It helps you to develop healthier relationships and at same time back you in dealing with your emotional baggage. In this complex conflict-ridden world empathy is an important tool for conflict resolution and community building.It is crucial and should be taught in school like physical education (or something like a subject) so that we can build a world that less hateful and more sensitive, inclusive and tolerant.


Hey there!!

Well this is my first post and you know what I am starting it from “ROCK BOTTOM”

If you can relate to a feeling where you feel that your life has been damaged beyond repair there is nothing good left to salvage then I would like to take the privilege in welcoming you to our group it’s called EVERYBODY (trust me).

Rock bottom is a place I think everyone must have visited more than once in the span of their life time. As far as I am concerned, I dwindle to bottom on a yearly basis (So here’s some personal information: I am a pro at messing up).

It feels like a small dark pit so deep that no ray of hope seems touching it on the contrary its not a black hole either.

You feel insecure, scared, helpless, angry, lost, apocalyptical. You feel that nothing worst can happen.

As you bite dust your life feels necrotizing and your mere existence comes unstuck you crumble and your hope for wellbeing is flatlining.

Losing any hope for a future are one of the darkest feelings that wraps your mind like a metal chain the weight of which seems unbearable

Situations like these robs you of kindness empathy goodness don’t lose it though don’t let it change the good in you. Let it just make you tougher and kinder

Here are 5 things to help you cope through the phase which feels like the end of your world:


Though blaming and crying might seem the only way but try getting past that ASAP.

Accept that such a thing has happened but you don’t have to lose yourself for it nor the precious life you are left with. Recognize your need for surviving it and make a strategy.


REMEMBER Tough times like these build warriors so stop pitying yourself and thank god that you are alive and still have chance to get up, dust yourself, embrace yourself and prepare for a fight.


Take my word everything good happens when you start trusting yourself and your abilities. Everyone is meant for greatness in some or the other way and so are you.

Don’t be afraid of failure because they are inevitable and so is success if you just keep on trying and having faith in yourself.


Give yourself the importance you deserve because you are the only one who has to.

Work on your skills, set small personal goals which can be anything from following a routine to learning a song to just finishing a book that you always wanted (get a haircut it really works).


Some times all this might seem too overwhelming don’t stress yourself for it and don’t overkill yourself in pride ask for help from anyone you can trust this will make you feel that you are not alone in it.

Lastly, keep on trying don’t give up, there are chance that while climbing your way back you might fall and then fall again but don’t lose hope put a fight for yourself who knows you find a secret passage to a Wonderland. Keep looking.

Take care!!

About us


If you are reading this page, I would like to take a minute and say “THANKS” for stopping by!!

Live authentic is a place where we try to help you live your life the most authentic way possible.

What is living authentic??

Well it means trying to be yourself and free of any conformity.

Determining your destiny- give yourself freedom to choose your own path to brilliance.

This blog is for you to inspire yourself achieve a level of well-being & use it for achieving a better version of yourself.

“Don’t merely know yourself-Be thyself”

Good luck  !!!